GILGAMESH II An unofficial guide by Zoƫ "spinnylights" Sparks v1, 11/13/22 I'm playing the game for the first time tonight and Lily is asleep right now, hence the "unofficial" as she hasn't seen this yet. She did tell me some things before going to bed which I've added to this guide. I'll keep updating it as I figure out more or when she gets up and I can ask her. --- controls: w/a/s/d, arrow keys, numpad 2/4/6/8 * cardinal movement q/r * third person: swivel camera left/right * first person: strafe left/right pgup/pgdn * swivel camera up/down x, esc, ins * open menu space * in the world at large: interact with object in front of you (sometimes) * in the menu: use/equip ctrl * use ranged weapon f keys * various dev things * be aware that if you press f5 the game will immediately "reboot" to the title screen and you'll lose unsaved progress --- quickstart: select "knight" (this will make things easiest on you at first just bc of where you start if nothing else) leave the castle and go down and to the right where there are some crates you can press "space" in front of the crates to open them; go through them all since you really need items right from the get go you can also search trash cans this way these sorts of things replenish over time so you can return to them periodically for more items, which will help keep you alive now grind on the citizen knights a bit; be careful as you're quite vulnereable at first and can die rapidly; you can spec into "criminal" (open menu -> class -> select character -> criminal) to increase your chances of survival becaue criminals have high agility compared to other classes (see "combat/interaction" for more) if your hp starts getting low, look at your items (open menu -> items -> item) and use e.g. bread to restore your health after killing a few, go south to the graveyard; you can rob the graves of the citizen knights you killed to get gold; this will allow you to go the doctor for hygeine/anti-disease items and the inn for energy/hp/hygeine however be aware that your social will drop from both killing citizens and robbing graves; if it goes to 0 make sure to bring it up by bumping into citizens without killing them before you talk to any vendors or the like or they will call the guards; you can reduce the chance of killing npcs when bumping into them by equipping a cinder block backpack or social etiquette manual (see "combat/interaction") that aside, it's not a bad idea to go to the doctor repeatedly at this point in the game (north, red cross sign, bump into the tiny door) and spend your gold on his items until you have multiple of each; he'll give you a random selection from his drop table (see his sign for what he stocks); the first time you interact with him (press space or bump) he'll just tell you how much gold it costs, so you have to do it at least twice to buy; if you don't have enough gold he'll say "knock it off" or the like; if you have a cinder block backpack or social etiquette manual (like maybe you found one in the crates) you can equip that to reduce the risk of killing him when you interact with him (see "combat/interaction" for more on that) if you have a cinder block backpack or social etiquette manual equipped, remember to unequip them (open menu -> equip -> select character -> equip -> acessory -> blank space) before you go back into combat if it gets to be nighttime: * you can see better by using a carrot, placing a lantern on the ground, getting sunflower seeds from the big sunflowers and then grinding them in a mill to make oil which you can use to power the lantern while held, taking a torch off the wall inside a building and then using it outside, etc. * to rest through the night, you can place a mattress on the ground and sleep in it if you have one (walk over it to sleep) or go to the inn; however the inn can be very $$$ if you get a piggy bank, it's a good idea to put it somewhere memorable and then keep excess gold in it so you don't lose it when you die and so it accrues interest anyway, despite your best efforts you're likely to have already died repeatedly by now and may even be backed into a corner where it's extremely hard to stay alive due to lack of items etc.; if you haven't made much progress yet you might just want to start a new game (f5 resets to the title screen) as how well you do at first is partially a matter of luck as far as i can tell, particularly what you get from the crates etc. --- combat/interaction: this game has the classic "real-time bump combat" found in venerable action rpgs such as hydlide etc. basically, you bump into npcs to attack them; some attack you when they bump into you as well generally you'll do more damage and be less vulnerable if you can attack them from the side or back also, in this game specifically, "bump combat" is the basic mode of interaction with npcs generally, friendly or otherwise; you can equip items like the backpack filled with cinder blocks or social etiquette guide to reduce the risk of killing them (open menu -> equip -> select character -> equip -> accessory) agility determines your chance to hit and your chance to multihit, so i think it's the most important combat stat by far --- stats: hp * when this goes to 0, you die (see "death") * many common items restore your hp * you lose hp mainly from being hit by attacks, but also from things like low hunger and disease mp * used when casting spells * doesn't refresh automatically; you can restore mp by drinking water (like from filling an empty bucket at a well), resting in a bed, or using certain items tp * idk hunger * if your hunger drops all the way to 0, you start losing hp * you can restore hunger (and typically hp) by using items such as bread or potion bladder * lower numbers are better with this stat, because 0 means "empty" and 100 means "full" * you can use a toilet to relieve bladder; you can find them in the world (such as at the inn) or you can build one if you find three toilet parts * i'm not sure what happens yet if your bladder gets maxed out; i tried to drink water from the well repeatedly to see but i would always get a tapeworm and then rapidly die (you can get antihelmenthic medicine from the doctor which i think does something about this but it's kinda $$...if i can manage to stay alive long enough to accrue enough gold/medicine etc. i'll report back about this) fun * you can restore fun by various things such as kicking a football * not quite sure what it's for comfort * restored by e.g. resting in a bed * not quite sure what it's for hygeine * the lower your hygeine is, the more likely you are to get diseases, which can be a serious problem, so you really want to keep your hygeine up * it's kinda hard can get soap from the doctor but you need a lot of gold bc you only get it at like 1/4 chance and it's 104 g per can also use the tub at the inn but that costs like 120 g or something...easiest way is to spec into doctor and get it up to level 2 bc they get a spell that restores hygeine, but depending on what type of character you're playing you may not be able to survive melee combat as a low-level doctor (e.g. cave woman)...if you can get ranged attack items you may be able to use those to level it in that circumstance, and you can get some free xp by crushing bugs in the abandoned house in the knight town energy * you can restore energy with items like soda and energy drinks, and also by resting in a bed * it's very important to keep your energy up because you basically can't hit anything (at least at low level) if your energy is too low, and even after your death it will still be just as low, so you can get backed into a corner * right off the bat when you start a new game, it's a really good idea to riffle through crates, grind for gold a bit and hit up vending machines, etc. until you either find a mattress or accumulate a few energy-restoring consumables; if you find a mattress you can use it to place it on the ground and then walk over it to sleep in it social * you can restore this by letting npcs hit you, or by hitting npcs of the same "civ" as you * you lose social from e.g. killing things or robbing graves * if your social drops too low, vendors etc. will call the guards on you immediately if you talk to them environment * i'm not really sure yet --- death: it's very easy to die, especially at first your new character starts where your last character died you lose all your on-hand gold when you die; you can recover half of it by robbing the grave of your predecessor, although this will damage your social and destroy the grave you can preserve gold past your death using piggy banks (see "gold") --- gold: you can see how much gold you have by opening the menu (x/esc/ins) and looking in the bottom-left corner, where the purple "gold bars" icon is when you start the game, it's important to accumulate gold quickly or you can end up in a position that's hard to recover from if you manage to get piggy banks, you can place those on the map and keep your gold in them up to a certain amount; they'll persist after your death and the gold will even accrue daily interest an easy way to get gold at the beginning is to first find a social etiquette manual or cinder block backpack, then rob the graves of the citizens in the knight town; this will probably wipe out your social but if you equip the manual/backpack you can then hit npcs of your civ to restore social --- inn: you can get some bread, use the phone, sleep in a bed (energy/hp/mp), and wash yourself in a tub (hygeine) if you have enough gold when you talk to the innkeeper, they'll give you a key; you can equip the key as a weapon (open menu -> equip -> select character -> equip -> weapon) and then when you hit the inn door it will open if you don't have enough gold, you can try to get into the inn anyway by breaking down the door, but the guard is liable to appear